
Cockroach and Cockroach management -Amicare Services

Cockroach and Cockroach management   There are over 4,000 species of cockroach, but only approximately 40 of those are known pests to humans. Roaches have walked the earth for hundred millions of years. Cockroaches can live for weeks without their heads. A cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes, and can even survive being submerged under water for half an hour. They hold their breath often to help regulate their loss of water.   There are things that you can do to control a cockroach problem around your home and workplace. Inspection is the first step for controlling the cockroach. The kitchen area  ( Mainly in under sinks and in the cupboards and the appliances like the refrigerator, dishwasher, stove and microwave oven ) Wet areas like bathroom and laundry  control  measures    cockroach spraying and dusting  for more  details

NewYear Wish -amicare services

Amicare Wish You A Happy New Year


Image FLIES & FLIES MANAGEMENT -AMICARE PEST CONTROL                                       Over 100,000 species of flies live on earth. Flies don't have teeth. Instead, they have a long tongue called a proboscis, which sucks up food like a straw. Some flies drink nectar or blood. House flies like the food we eat. When a fly lands on your lunch, it vomits on the food. Acids in the vomit dissolve the food so the fly can suck it up. Disgusting! One of the the main sections or Species of flies is  Musca domestica means  The normal  housefly, is found worldwide and lives in close  proximity to humans.Because houseflies can carry many diseases of humans and domestic animals,it is important to keep their populations low.understanding their habits and life cycle can help you eliminate the most flies at the lowest cost to you and the environment . Th...

Amicare services

Image   WOOD BORER The name wood boring beetle refers to a large group of wood destroying and eating insect, most common in India is Powder post beetle. Adult lay egg in wood surface and larvae burrow deep into the wood where they feed – and in the process make a maze of tunnels over several years. Wood boring beetles are attracted to light and can often be found near windowsills, windows or around loft hatches. CONTROL MEASURES Spot application by drilling, Oil based chemical injection , Spraying for more.. visit

Residential Pest control service

Amicare Pest Control Services Residential Pest control service Amicare provides a wide variety of home and apartment  pest control services  to defend you from termites, lizards, roaches, rodents, or any other harmful  pests.        We have well trained technician to remove and control for the different varieties of pest which are found in our property. visit or contact 9544390009. F ollowing are common pest found in home Rats Termites Ants Mosquitoes Cockroach Spider Flies Bed bugs

Amicare Pest Control

Amicare  Services Hi Guys, we welcome you to our Blog. This blog is to make you aware of the need of  Pest control  How Pest  will effect your home and your health. You might be aware of different types of pests. Pest Control  is a method of getting rid of insects and  small  rodents by killing, removing, or setting up barriers that will prevent further destruction of one's property.  Pesticides are  chemicals  designed to kill or harm pests. They include insecticides used for insect control, herbicides used for weed control, fungicides used for fungi and mould control, and rodenticides used for rodent control. Pest control  workers inspect a building and its premises for signs of  pests .  Pest control  workers remove unwanted  pests , such as roaches, rats, ants, bedbugs, mosquitoes, ticks, and termites that infest buildings and surrounding areas. Why Pest Control is Important .  Pests  i...

Residential Pest Control Service- Amicare Services

Residential pest control  Pest control is the regulation or management of a species defined as Pest. In homes and urban environments, the pests are the rodents, birds, insects and other organisms that share the habitat with humans, and that feed on and spoil possessions. Control of these pests is attempted through exclusion, repulsion, physical removal or chemical means. for more........ Amicare Services